The project generates 1,000 tons per day of engineered fill. While the Centennial site is developed, over approximately 4 years, this material would be hauled from site along Brunswick Road and Whispering Pines Lane (a designated truck route). When materials are not being placed on the Brunswick or Centennial site engineered fill would be hauled on Brunswick Road to Highway 49/20. Freight and concentrate trucks would also travel on this route.
An average of 50 trucks per day over 16 hours would result in approximately 3 trucks per hour or a truck every 20 minutes. Traffic impact studies allow for a maximum of 100 trucks per day as trucks would not travel on roads for the several days per year where snow and ice impedes travel on Brunswick Road.
Most employees work 12 hours shifts and change on off-peak hours. Therefore the impact from employee traffic is limited to approximately 40 employees leaving work at 3:30 PM. Although the project’s addition to traffic is very small, Rise would pay its fair share to signalize three intersections which are currently busy at this time of day.