


All machinery is fully enclosed in sound insulated buildings. In addition to the robust noise control, distance, trees, and terrain result in further noise reduction. Modelling by expert independent consultants has shown noise from the operation to be insignificant.

Designed to eliminate or reduce noise

  • Fully enclosed Machinery
  • Sound Insulated Buildings
  • Rock crushing underground
  • Ventilation fan underground
  • Airlocks in buildings
  • Reduced trucking hours to 16 hours per day
  • Reduced fill placement hours to 8 hours per day – 5 days per week.


The basic rules for working with decibels

Change in dB Change in sound energy
3 dB increase sound energy is doubled
3 dB decrease sound energy is halved
10 dB increase sound energy is increased by a factor of 10
10 dB decrease sound energy is decreased by a factor of 10

Noise Picture Contours

Download Our Noise Report